Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bob's Rebel Training Camp 10/19/13

One aspect of airsoft that makes it a great hobby is the players. Honesty, integrity, and respect are all aspects that make airsoft what it is. Players who follow the rules and call their hits are always appreciated, and it is these qualities that often make the difference between a decent player and a great player.
New players learning the ropes
Although some veteran players may not realize it; many new players look up to them and are influenced by their actions. When they see a veteran player cheat, or fail to call their hit, then what is to stop the novice player from doing that as well? Everything from airsoft gun and tactical gear choice to behavior on the field affects the airsoft development of the novice generation. Our actions shape the future of airsoft.

Bob “The Axeman” Hildebrand

 Airsoft GI is interested in the survival and integrity of airsoft, and so we are hosting Bob “The Axeman”s Rebel Training Camp on October 19 for players with less than a year’s worth of airsoft experience and/or under 18 years old. At this camp, players will be taken under the wing of more experienced players and be shown the basics of movement, shooting, and leadership. This camp will build confidence, which will be beneficial to players in both airsoft, and outside in normal everyday activities.

This event is being hosted at the world famous SC Viper on 10/19/2013, which is a fantastic place for learning airsoft basics. Airsoft will live and die on its player base, and part of creating a responsible and honest community is introducing positive behaviors in the new player base. One day, these new players are going to be the bulk the airsoft player base, and only by teaching them now will we ensure the future of airsoft.

 Rebel Training Camp Tickets


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